Results for 'Petŭr G. Petrov'

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  1.  22
    Threshold fracture energy in solid particle erosion.I. Argatov, G. Mishuris & Yu Petrov - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (19):2485-2496.
  2. Metodologicheskie problemy issledovanii︠a︡ marksistskoĭ filosofii za rubezhom.A. G. Myslivchenko, I. I. Petrov & M. M. Fedorova (eds.) - 1984 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t filosofii AN SSSR.
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    Vzaimodeĭstvie cheloveka i kulʹtury: teoretiko-informat︠s︡ionnyĭ podkhod: materialy mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo simpoziuma = Interaction Between Man and Culture: Information Standpoint.G. M. Balim, V. M. Petrov & V. P. Ryzhov (eds.) - 1998 - Taganrog: Taganrogskiĭ gos. radiotekhn. universitet.
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  4. Heidegger, Martin (1889-1976)-portrait of a philosopher.G. Petrovic - 1995 - Filozofia 50 (11):634-638.
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  5. Heidegger and yugoslav philosophy of praxis.G. Petrovic - 1995 - Filozofia 50 (10):549-558.
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    Iskusstvoznanie i teorii︠a︡ informat︠s︡ii.G. A. Golit︠s︡yn, V. M. Petrov & A. V. Kharuto (eds.) - 2009 - Moskva: Krasand, URSS.
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    Puti Germesa: mezhdunarodnyĭ simpozium: materialy simpoziuma, 14 fevrali︠a︡ 2008 goda, Moskva, VGBIL.A. G. Petrov (ed.) - 2009 - Moskva: Vseros. gos. biblioteka inostrannoĭ lit-ry im. M.I. Rudomino.
    В прил.: Пометы Александра Блока в "Истории древней философии" Вильгельма Виндельбанда.
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  8. Zhivotŭt-ogledalna avanti︠u︡ra: filosofski miniati︠u︡ri.Petŭr G. Petrov - 1992 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izd-vo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski". Edited by Vasil Georgiev Penev.
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    Executive Functions of Swedish Counterterror Intervention Unit Applicants and Police Officer Trainees Evaluated With Design Fluency Test.Torbjörn Vestberg, Peter G. Tedeholm, Martin Ingvar, Agneta C. Larsson & Predrag Petrovic - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Executive functions represent higher order top-down mechanisms regulating information processing. While suboptimal EF have been studied in various patient groups, their impact on successful behavior is still not well described. Previously, it has been suggested that design fluency —a test including several simultaneous EF components mainly related to fluency, cognitive flexibility, and creativity—predicts successful behavior in a quickly changing environment where fast and dynamic adaptions are required, such as ball sports. We hypothesized that similar behaviors are of importance in the (...)
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    Enhancing the effectiveness of Web Application Firewalls by generic feature selection.H. T. Nguyen, C. Torrano-Gimenez, G. Alvarez, K. Franke & S. Petrovic - 2013 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 21 (4):560-570.
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    Filozofski pogledi G. V. Plehanova.Gajo Petrović - 1957 - Zagreb: Kultura.
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  12. Rossii︠a︡ i gnozis: materialy konferent︠s︡ii, Moskva, VGBIL 23 marta 1999 goda.T. B. Vsekhsvi︠a︡tskai︠a︡ & A. G. Petrov (eds.) - 1998 - Moskva: "Rudomino".
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  13. Zarubezhnai︠a︡ marksistskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ v 80-e g.I. I. Petrov & N. kf (eds.) - 1990 - Moskva: In-t filosofii AN SSSR.
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    Fain G.L. Ancient Greek Epigrams: Major Poets in Verse Translation. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2010. Pp. x + 252, illus. £13.95. 978-0520265806. [REVIEW]Andrej Petrovic - 2013 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 133:194-195.
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    G. Petrovic's "Marx in the Mid-Twentieth Century: A Yugoslav Philosopher Reconsiders Karl Marx's Writings". [REVIEW]Howard L. Parsons - 1968 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 29 (1):137.
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    Aristotelevskoe nasledie kak konstituirui︠u︡shchiĭ ėlement evropeĭskoĭ rat︠s︡ionalʹnosti: materialy Moskovskoĭ mezhdunarodnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii po Aristoteli︠u︡, Institut filosofii RAN, 17-19 okti︠a︡bri︠a︡ 2016 g.Valeriĭ Valentinovich Petrov (ed.) - 2017 - Moskva: Akvilon.
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  17. Moderna logika u hrvatskoj filozofiji 20. stoljeća [Modern logic in Croatian philosophy of the 20th century].Srećko Kovač - 2007 - In Damir Barbarić & Franjo Zenko (eds.), Hrvatska filozofija u XX. stoljeću. Matica hrvatska. pp. 97-110.
    The first beginnings of modern logic in Croatia are recognizable as early as in the middle of the 19th century in Vatroslav Bertić. At the turn of the 20th century, Albin Nagy, who was teaching in Italy, made contributions to algebraic logic and to the philosophy of logic. At that time, a distinctive author Mate Meršić stood out, also working on algebraic logic. In the Croatian academic philosophy, until the publication of Gajo Petrović's textbook (1964) and the contributions by Heda (...)
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    Prisutnost Heideggera u hrvatskoj filozofiji.Branka Brujic - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (3):639-648.
    Prisutnost Heideggera u Hrvatskoj pokazuje se u rasprostranjenom čitanju i raspravljanju temeljnih pojmova njegova mišljenja, o čemu svjedoče tri internacionalna simpozija u 80-im godinama. Posrednici Heideggerove misli bili su sveučilišni profesori filozofije već u 60-ima.Najutjecajniji među njima, V. Sutlić, svoju filozofsku koncepciju artikulira i razvija kao »povijesno mišljenje«. Njegova intencija u radovima 60-ih godina jest svojevrsna sinteza Marxova i Heideggerova mišljenja, dok u knjizi Praksa rada kao znanstvena povijest imanentnom analizom pokazuje Marxovu misao u pripadnom joj povijesnom toposu ozbiljenja Hegelove (...)
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  19. Durchblicke.Martin Heidegger & Vittorio Klostermann (eds.) - 1970 - Frankfurt a.M.,: Klostermann.
    Wandlung und Bestand, von H. Jonas.--Die Bedeutung von Martin Heideggers Denken für die Methode der Theologie, von H. Ott.--Das befreite Nichts, von K. Harries.--Bevestigter Gesang; Bemerkungen zu Heideggers Hölderlin-Auslegung, von R.E. Schulz-Seitz.--Heidegger und das Problem einer "philosophischen" Anthropologie, von H. Fahrenbach.--"Das Sein und das Nichts," von E. Tugendhat.--Der Logos-Gedanke des Heraklit, von K. Held.--Platon und das Problem der Wahrheit, von W. Hirsch.--Sein und Cogitationes, von Fr.-W. von Herrmann.--Die Zeitlichkeit der Repräsentation, von W. Janke.--Wandlungen in der Kant-Auffassung Heideggers, von H. Hoppe.--Dialectique (...)
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  20. Nazivlje u nastavi logike.Srećko Kovač - 1993 - Metodicki Ogledi 4 (1):23-32.
    U članku se promatraju osnovne karakteristike razvojne dinamike hrvatskoga logičkoga nazivlja od izlazka Pacelove Logike za gimnazije, prve sustavne logike na hrvatskome jeziku, 1868. godine, pa sve do Petrovićeve Logike, također za srednja učilišta, iz 1964., koja je još uviek u uporabi. Nazivlje je u tu svrhu razvrstano u nekoliko tipičih skupina. Općenito, uočava se porast zastupljenosti latinizama (i grecizama) na štetu hrvatskih naziva. U analizi nazivlja autor se ograničuje na knjige namienjene nastavi logike bilo na srednjim učilištima, bilo na (...)
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  21.  22
    Pochaev monastery in the context of the history and spirituality of the Ukrainian people.A. Gudyma & B. Havarivskyy - 1996 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 1:32-35.
    April 29-30, 1995 in the premises of the Ternopil Medical Institute. Academician I.Ya.Gorbachevsky held an international scientific conference with such a title. In her work participated: A. Kolodny, - deputy director of the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, President of the Ukrainian Association of Religious Studies; Employees of the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine - V.Malakhov, V.Klimov, L.Filipovich, O.Sagan, V.Demian, T.Chaika; Lviv Museum of the History of Religion - (...)
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    The Sources for Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita.B. V. Sokolov - 1989 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 27 (4):25-45.
    Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita was written between 1929 and 1940. Although delayed for a quarter of a century, it quickly found a stable place in our life as soon as it was published [for the first publication of the novel see: Moskva, 1966, no. 11; 1967, no. 1]. It is usually classified as a satirical philosophical novel. The satirical element puts it in the same family as such well-known works of the end of the '20s as the (...)
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  23.  64
    Deceiving oneself about being in control: Conscious detection of changes in visuomotor coupling.G. Knoblich & T. T. J. Kircher - 2004 - Journal of Experimental Psychology - Human Perception and Performance 30 (4):657-66.
  24. Hare on meaning and speech acts.G. J. Warnock - 1971 - Philosophical Review 80 (1):80-84.
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    Formalization, possible worlds and the foundations of modal logic.G. H. Merrill - 1978 - Erkenntnis 12 (3):305 - 327.
  26.  48
    Introducing ethics and engineering: The case of delft university of technology.G. J. Scheurwater & S. J. Doorman - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (2):261-266.
    This article focuses mainly on (1) the policy of Delft University of Technology since 1992 as regards the university-wide introduction of a compulsory course on ethics and engineering, and (2) the ideal structure of such a course, including the educational goals of the course.
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  27. Were You a Zygote?G. E. M. Anscombe - 1984 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 18:111-115.
    The usual way for new cells to come into being is by division of old cells. So the zygote, which is a—new—single cell formed from two, the sperm and ovum, is an exception. Textbooks of human genetics usually say that this new cell is beginning of a new human individual. What this indicates is that they suddenly forget about identical twins.
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  28. Collected Philosophical Papers: Ethics, Religion and Politics Vol.G. E. M. Anscombe - 1981 - University of Mennesota Press.
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    Locke and the objects of perception.G. A. J. Rogers - 2004 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 85 (3):245–254.
    It is common to assume that if Locke is to be regarded as a consistent epistemologist he must be read as holding that either ideas are the objects of perception or that (physical) objects are. He must either be a direct realist or a representationalist. But perhaps, paradoxical as it at first sounds, there is no reason to suppose that he could not hold both to be true. We see physical objects and when we do so we have ideas. We (...)
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  30. Ethical issues at the university-industry interface: A way forward?G. R. Evans & D. E. Packham - 2003 - Science and Engineering Ethics 9 (1):3-16.
    This paper forms an introduction to this issue, the contents of which arose directly or indirectly from a conference in May 2001 on Corruption of scientific integrity? — The commercialisation of academic science. The introduction, in recent decades, of business culture and values into universities and research institutions is incompatible with the openness which scientific and all academic pursuit traditionally require. It has given rise to a web of problems over intellectual property and conflict of interest which has even led (...)
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    A directly cautious theory of defeasible consequence for default logic via the notion of general extension.G. Aldo Antonelli - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 109 (1-2):71-109.
    This paper introduces a generalization of Reiter’s notion of “extension” for default logic. The main difference from the original version mainly lies in the way conflicts among defaults are handled: in particular, this notion of “general extension” allows defaults not explicitly triggered to pre-empt other defaults. A consequence of the adoption of such a notion of extension is that the collection of all the general extensions of a default theory turns out to have a nontrivial algebraic structure. This fact has (...)
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  32. Functions in begriffsschrift.G. Baker & P. Hacker - 2003 - Synthese 135 (3):273 - 297.
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    Apperception and the movement of attention.G. F. Stout - 1891 - Mind 16 (61):23-53.
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    Mr. Prichard's criticism of psychology.G. F. Stout - 1907 - Mind 16 (62):236-243.
  35. Theories of explanation.G. Randolph Mayes - 2001 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  36. Adynaton : four dichotomies for a philosophy of impossibility.P. Di Lucia A. G. Conte - 2012 - Phenomenology and Mind:134-144.
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    A Note on Callimachus, Hynm 5.83.G. R. Mclennan - 1971 - Classical Quarterly 21 (2):425-425.
    SOME years ago Giangrande acutely suggested1 that we should read at the beginning of this line έσтààθη δ’ φθοολλος in place of Buttmann' proposal έσàκη δ’ θολλος accepted by Pfeiffer. Giangrande' emendation received upport from Meillier, who wrote:2 ‘Giangrande … a trouvé de bonnes raisons pour conserver έσтààθη … et propose έσтààθη δ’ φθοολλος.’ No one seems to have realized that there is a metrical difficulty involved in Buttmann' emendation—an ironic fact, as his original intention was, of course, to restore (...)
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  38.  15
    Moral values of the Ukrainian people and the ritual law of the Church in the poetic folklore of the nineteenth century.G. I. Razumtseva - 2000 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 14:25-35.
    The problem of self-knowledge, originally ethnic, and then national, always excited and continues to worry humanity. At different times, she was sharper, then she calmed down, then stepped forward, then she became one in line with other issues of political, economic and social life. But this problem was inevitable. It was one of the sources of the spirit and activities of the people.
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  39. (3 other versions)A Study of Hegel's Logic.G. R. G. Mure - 1950 - Philosophy 26 (97):180-183.
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    Critical notices.G. Ryle - 1929 - Mind 38 (151):366-370.
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    The late miss E. E. Constance Jones.G. F. Stout - 1922 - Mind 31 (123):383-384.
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    Individual privacy and computer-based human resource information systems.G. Stephen Taylor & J. Stephen Davis - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (7):569 - 576.
    The proliferation of computers in the business realm may lead to ethical problems between individual and societal rights, and the organization's need to control costs. In an attempt to explore the causes of this potential conflict, this study examined the varying levels of sensitivity 223 respondents assigned to different types of information typically stored in computer-based human resource information systems. It was found that information most directly related to the job — pay rate, fringe benefits, educational history — was considered (...)
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  43. The Schopenhauerian challenge in environmental ethics.G. E. Varner - 1985 - Environmental Ethics 7 (3):209-229.
    Environmental holism and environmental individualism are based on incompatible notions of moral considerability, and yield incompatible results. For Schopenhauer, every intelligible character--every irreducible instance of formative nature---defines a distinct moral patient, and for hirn both holistic entities and the individual members of higher species have distinguishable intelligible characters. Schopenhauer’s neglected metaethics thus can be used to generate an environmental ethics which is complete in the sense of synthesizing holism and individualism while simultaneously meeting TomRegan’s (implicit) demand that an environmental ethics (...)
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  44.  52
    Competitive exclusion, coexistence and community structure.G. H. Walter - 1988 - Acta Biotheoretica 37 (3-4):281-313.
    Studies of coexistence are based ultimately on the assumption that competitive exclusion is a general and accredited phenomenon in nature. However, the ecological and evolutionary impact of interspecific competition is of questionable significance. Review of three reputed examples of competitive exclusion in the field (Aphytis wasps, red and grey squirrels, and triclads) demonstrates that the widely-accepted competition-based interpretations are unlikely, that alternative explanations are overlooked, and that all other reported cases need critical reinvestigation. Although interspecific competition does undoubtedly occur, the (...)
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  45.  46
    Index of Names Abbarno, J., 122n, 128 Abetti, G., 184n, 202 Achterhuis, H., 37.R. Ackermann, G. Aichholzer, J. Alexander, T. J. Allen, H. Arendt, J. M. Atienza & Atting Tw - 2005 - In Wenceslao J. González (ed.), Science, technology and society: a philosophical perspective. [Spain]: Netbiblo.
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    St. Thomas Aquinas.G. K. Chesterton - 1933 - Hodder & Stoughton.
    2011 Reprint of 1943 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. "St. Thomas Aquinas" is enriched by the author's unique ability to see the world through the saint's eyes, a fresh and animated view that shows us Aquinas as no other biography has. Acclaimed as the best book ever written on Aquinas by such outstanding Thomists as Jacques Maritain, Etienne Gilson, and Anton Pegis, this brilliant biography will completely capture the reader and leave him (...)
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  47.  59
    Wittgenstein on the myth of mental processes.G. N. A. Vesey - 1968 - Philosophical Review 77 (3):350-355.
  48. Being and Knowledge in Spinoza.G. H. R. Parkinson - 1974 - In der Bend & G. J. (eds.), Spinoza on knowing, being and freedom. Assen,: Van Gorcum.
  49. Concerning Motion (De Motu).G. Berkeley - 1948 - In A. A. Luce & T. E. Jessop (eds.), The Works of George Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne. London: Thomas Nelson.
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  50.  21
    From Parmenides to Wittgenstein: Collected Philosophical Papers, Volume 1.G. E. M. Anscombe - 1981 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    Early work from a leader in analytic philosophy From Parmenides to Wittgenstein, Volume 1: Collected Philosophical Papers is part of a multi-volume publication of G.E.M. Anscombe's collected works. Writing on philosophy of mind, philosophy of action, philosophy of language, and philosophical logic, Anscombe is known as one of analytical Thomisms's most prominent figures. This collection includes her writing on the work of her teacher, Ludwig Wittgenstein, with whom she worked closely as co-editor and translator.
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